Amazon Inspector vs Qualys: Which Cloud-based Security Assessment Tool is Better for Your Business

November 18, 2021

Amazon Inspector vs Qualys: Which Cloud-based Security Assessment Tool is Better for Your Business

When it comes to cloud security, there are a number of tools that promise to help you monitor and manage your environment. Two of the most popular tools in this space are Amazon Inspector and Qualys. But how do you know which tool is better for your business? On the surface, they may seem similar, but there are some key differences you need to consider before making a decision. In this blog post, we'll compare Amazon Inspector and Qualys and help you determine which cloud-based security assessment tool is better suited for your needs.

Amazon Inspector

Launched in 2015, Amazon Inspector is a cloud-based security assessment service that helps you identify security issues in your applications and infrastructure. Amazon Inspector provides a number of benefits over traditional security assessment tools, including its ability to automatically discover resources and manage assessments across multiple accounts. Amazon Inspector also offers an extensible framework that allows you to run your own custom security tests against your environment.

Some of the key features of Amazon Inspector include:

  • Automated security assessments
  • Integration with AWS Security Hub
  • Support for multiple operating systems and applications
  • Custom rules to define compliance requirements

But how does Amazon Inspector compare to Qualys in terms of pricing and functionality?

Amazon Inspector Pricing

Amazon Inspector is priced on a per-assessment basis. Pricing varies depending on the number of assessments you run and the size of your environment. The pricing model is tiered, so the more assessments you run, the lower the cost per assessment.

As of November 2021, an assessment for up to 50 EC2 instances costs $0.30 per assessment. For up to 100 EC2 instances, the cost is $0.25 per assessment. For up to 250 EC2 instances, the cost is $0.20 per assessment.

Amazon Inspector Functionality

Amazon Inspector provides a wide range of functionality, including automated security assessments, custom rules, and integrations with other AWS services. Amazon Inspector is also highly customizable, allowing you to create your own assessment templates and import them into Amazon Inspector.


Qualys is another popular cloud-based security assessment tool. Like Amazon Inspector, Qualys provides automated security assessments, compliance monitoring, and vulnerability management. Qualys also offers a number of additional features, such as web application scanning and container security assessments.

Some of the key features of Qualys include:

  • Automated security assessments
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Web application scanning
  • Container security assessments
  • Integration with third-party tools

But how does Qualys compare to Amazon Inspector in terms of pricing and functionality?

Qualys Pricing

Qualys pricing is based on a subscription model. Pricing varies depending on the number of assets you need to scan and the features you require. As of November 2021, pricing for the basic package starts at $1995 per year for up to 10 assets.

Qualys Functionality

Qualys provides a range of functionality that includes automated security assessments, compliance monitoring, web application scanning, and container security assessments. Qualys also offers integration with a range of third-party tools, making it an ideal choice for businesses with complex security requirements.

Amazon Inspector vs Qualys: Which is Better?

So, which cloud-based security assessment tool is better for your business? The answer depends on your specific needs. If you're looking for a highly customizable tool that integrates with other AWS services, then Amazon Inspector is a good choice. If you need additional features like web application scanning and container security assessments, then Qualys is the better option.

Overall, both Amazon Inspector and Qualys offer strong security assessment capabilities. The choice between the two ultimately comes down to the specific needs of your business.


In conclusion, when it comes to cloud-based security assessment tools, Amazon Inspector and Qualys are two of the most popular options on the market. Both tools provide automated security assessments, compliance monitoring, and vulnerability management. However, there are some key differences between the two, such as pricing/licensing models and features offered. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to the specific needs of your business.


Amazon Inspector pricing

Qualys pricing

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